I’m in love, I’m obsessed
With the way my skin glows in the sunlight and the way my teeth shine so white in the moonlight
I’m in love with the way my hips sway in those pretty little dresses and the way my eyes shine so bright they look like stars against the darkness of my skin
I’m in love with the way my hair sits on top of my head
Kink to kink
Loc to loc
I’m in love with how my cheekbones rise and fall, how my eyelashes sleep and wake
I’m in love with how my lips curl and frown and laugh and smirk
I’m in love with the man, skin dark as wood, heart heavy as a boulder
I’m in love with how my people love and how we nourish and save
I’m in love with our faith and belief that the world will someday become a better place for us.
I’m in love with how we as one big family raise our fists and fight back against your words, your lies, and the nonsense spewing from your lips
I’m in love with how I rise again and again
I’m in love with the love songs I write for my skin