The Conversation

Isabel Magnotta
Ah, you look like an imbecile. 

What did you say to me?

I said, ‘Could you please point me to the direction of the sky?’

The sky?

Yes, the sky.

Are you stupid?

No, just lost. Could you please point me to the direction of the sky?

Why do you want to go to the sky?

Because I’m an angel who has fallen from heaven, and I really must find my way back because this place is so foul and wretched and filled with horrible people such as yourself that I truly might die if I stay a minute longer. So, I ask you again, could you please point me to the direction of the sky?

Is that a fact?


If you’re an angel, then where are your wings?

They burned off on the way down. It was quite a long fall, after all, quite a long fall.

Where’s your halo?

I must have lost it.

I think you're just a liar.

That might be true, but even so, could you please point me to the direction of the sky?