Beautiful Bird

Quinn Schwab
beautiful, beautiful
her hair black as oil
succulent skin,
so sick and cold

I drag a starved tongue across her cheek
frozen against,
stuck to her side

I won’t leave,
there is a woman inside of her
who feeds off of me, survives off of me
sucks me dry and smokes me out

Her feathers wrinkle and she shudders
in an embrace we are folded,
creases indestructible

I won't leave,
there is a woman inside of her
who I sleep beside,
who grazes her beastly talons on my back
who sings such a beautiful lullaby
and I wake up crying.

I love the way her skin pulls so tight,
the gentle curves to which I tether–
frozen in place, in time,
floating in the frigid.
I love you

I love the way she reaches down my throat
with her slender beak, ripping out the rest of me,
rough and lovely.
I love you

We’ve birthed each other into this world,
yet still, no resemblance appears.
I can’t see myself in her eyes,
but I appear inevitable in hers:
hungry, sick, stuck in a body
that isn’t mine

A sickening sadness surrounds us,
as the afterbirth did, puddled
against our trembling bodies

Let us writhe and pick at each other’s flesh
until we see nothing but bloodstained marrow

and let us suck it out and smoke it until
there is nothing left of us but ash

and let the world blow us away, small as we are
until we are nothing